In order to make your search for your perfect Caribbean getaway easier, we have organized all the rates by the number of bedrooms. Just scroll down to the number of bedrooms required and click on the name of the villa or condominium which will take you to the details page for the property. If you would like to receive any additional information, please send us an e-mail and we will be happy to assist you.

Summer Season: April 15 - December 14

Winter Season: December 15 - April 14

All prices are in US dollars on a weekly basis and include airport meet & greet
A 9% government tax will be added to all rates.

Minimum booking requirement is 5 nights except for Christmas & New Year's where a 10 night minimum is required.
(Please do inquire about villas where we can accept 7 night bookings during the Christmas & New Year's period)

There are a number of villas that offer specials during the Summer/Fall months, to view the various specials, please go to our Specials Page that specifies all the villas that are offering specials.

All weekly rates are subject to change without notice.

One Bedroom Villas

Studio/ One bedrooms bedrooms bathrooms Pool Location Summer Winter Christmas & NY
Agua Azul 1 1.5 Common Porto Cupecoy $1981 $2500 $4900
Arcadia 1 1 Yes Oyster Pond $2000 $2800 $6300
Beach House Younes 1 1.5 Yes Dawn Beach $2653 $2800 $5950
Bell'Mare 1 2 Yes Dawn Beach $2800 $4200 $7700
Great Escape 1 1 Common Simpson Bay $4851 $6524 $12355
Hope Villa 1 1 Yes Oyster Pond $1505 $2065 $3150 / $5250
IL Punto Blu 1 1.5 Yes Pelican Key $2352 $2856 $5250
Seneca 2.4 1 1.5 Common Point Blanche $1505 $1995 $4025

Two Bedroom Villas

Two bedrooms Bedrooms Bathrooms Pool Location Summer Winter Christmas & NY
Arcadia 2 2 Yes Oyster Pond $2400 $3200 $6300
Agua Azul 2 2.5 Common Porto Cupecoy $2331 $2850 $4900
Aqua Vue, Porto Cupecoy 2 2.5 Common Cupecoy $2350 $2850 $7400
Artimino, Porto Cupecoy 2 2 Common Cupecoy $2856 $3465 $5600
Beach House Younes 2 2.5 Yes Dawn Beach $3199 $3801 $5950
Bell'Mare 1-2 2 Yes Dawn Beach $2800 $4200 $7700
Bright Waters 2 2 Yes Dawn Beach $3199 $3801 $6300
Coralita 2 2 Yes Oyster Pond $2200 $3000 $6500
Corfu 2 2 Yes Cupecoy $2401 $3038 $7000
Dawn Beach 2 2 Yes Dawn Beach $2600 $3000 $8000
Great Escape 2 2 Common Simpson Bay $4855 $6524 $12355
IL Punto Blu 2 2.5 Yes Pelican Key $2352 $2500 $5250
La Mirella 2 2.5 Yes Oyster Pond $3500 $4500 $9000
Maison L'lle 2 2 Yes Dawn Beach Estates $3206 $3703 $9002
Monte Verde 2 2.5 Yes Orient Bay $5335 $6520 $12,350
Palm Paradise & Coconut Cottage 2 2 Yes Oyster Pond $3500 4501 9002
Paradiso 2 2.5 Yes Oyster Pond $7203 $8204 $20202
Seascapes 2 2 Yes Dawn Beach $2800 $3400 $6000
Seneca 2.4 2 2.5 Common Point Blanche $1855 $2485 $4025
Sky Blue, Dawn Beach Estates 2 2.5 Yes Dawn Beach Estates $4250 N/A N/A
Syriana 2 2 Yees Cupecoy $2401 $2401 $2401
Tiare 2 2 Yes Red Pond Estates $499 p.n. $639 p.n. $1215 p.n.
The Lighthouse, 3C 2 2 Yes Oyster Pond $2856 $3465 $6000
Twin Palms 2 2 Yes Dawn Beach $3000 $2500 $6300


Three Bedroom Villas

Three bedrooms Bedrooms Bathrooms Pool Location Summer Winter Christmas & NY
Alizée 3 4 Yes Guana Bay $6510 $8435 $16240
Villa 3 3 3.5 Yes Dutch Lowlands $12,000 $20,000 N/A
Arcadia 3 3 Yes Oyster Pond $2800 $3600 $6300
Aqua Vue, Porto Cupecoy 3 3.5 Common Cupecoy $3000 $3850 $7400
Artimino, Porto Cupecoy 3 3 Common Cupecoy $3675 $4410 $5600
Bell'Mare 3 3 Yes Dawn Beach $3500 $4900 $7700
Bougainvillea 3 3 Yes Dawn Beach $5500 $7500 $14000
Coralita 3 3 Yes Oyster Pond $2700 $3600 $6500
Corfu 3 3 Yes Cupecoy $2800 $4480 $7000
Dawn Beach 3 3 Yes Dawn Beach $3200 $3700 $8000
Great Escape 3 3 Common Simpson Bay $5852 $8106 $12355
IL Punto Blu 3 3.5 Yes Pelican Key $3003 $3850 $5600
La Mirella 3 3.5 Yes Oyster Pond $4500 $5500 $9000
Maison L'lle 3 3 Yes Dawn Beach $3206 $3703 $9002
Monte Verde 3 3.5 Yes Orient Bay $5335 $6520 $12,350
Palm Paradise & Coconut Cottage 3 3 Yes Oyster Pond $4501 $5502 $9002
Paradiso 3 3.5 Yes Oyster Pond $7203 $8204 $20205
Seascapes 3 3 Yes Dawn Beach $3200 $3800 $6000
Sky Blue, Dawn Beach Estates 3 3.5 Yes Dawn Beach Estates $4753 $6500 $11,000
Syriana 2 2 Yes Cupecoy $2800 $4480 $7000
Tiare 3 3 Yes Red Pond Estates $606 p.n $739 p.n $1215  p.n
The Lighthouse, 3C 3 3 Yes Oyster Pond $3514 $4165 $6000
Twin Palms 3 3 Yes Dawn Beach $3800 $2500 $6300
Victoria 3 4.5 Yes Oyster Pond $4165 $4865 $6650


Four Bedroom Villas

Four bedrooms Bedrooms Bathrooms Pool Location Summer Winter Christmas & NY
Alizea 4 4 Yes Oyster Pond $3325 $5250 $6300
Alizée 4 5 Yes Guana Bay $7140 $9100 $16240
Aqua Vue, Porto Cupecoy 4 4.5 Common Cupecoy $3500 $4500 $7400
Arcadia 4 4 Yes Oyster Pond $3521 $4403 $6300
Bougainvillea 4 4 Yes Dawn Beach $5500 $7500 $14,000
Coralita 4 4 Yes Oyster Pond $3200 $4200 $6500
Dawn Beach 4 4 Yes Dawn Beach $3700 $4200 $8000
La Mirella 4 4.5 Yes Oyster Pond $5000 $6000 $9000
Maison L'lle 4 4 Yes Dawn Beach $3703 $4200 $9002
Monte Verde 4 4.5 Yes Orient Bay $6435 $8100 $12,350
Palm Paradise & Coconut Cottage 4 4 Yes Oyster Pond $3600 $6006 $9002
Paradiso 4 4.5 Yes Oyster Pond $7900 $8204 $20702
Seascapes 4 4 Yes Dawn Beach $3600 $4200 $6000
Sky Blue 4 4.5 Yes Dawn Beach Estates $6000 $8000 $12,005
Tiare 4 4 Yes Red Pond Estates $699 p.n $839  p.n $1215  p.n
The Stone House 4 4.5 Yes Dawn Beach $3800 $4800 $8400
Villa 3 4 4.5 Yes Dutch Lowlands $15,000 $25,000 $30,000
Vijoux 4 4   Oyster Pond $6125 $7700 $19,500

Five Bedroom Villas

Five bedrooms Bedrooms Bathrooms Pool Location Summer Winter Christmas & NY
Alizée 5 6 Yes Guana Bay $7805 $9765 $16240
Bougainvillea 5 5 Yes Dawn Beach $6545 $8470 $14,000
Dawn Beach 5 5 Yes Dawn Beach $4200 $5000 $8000
Maison L'lle 5 5 Yes Dawn Beach $4200 $5005 $9002
Paradiso 5 5.5 Yes Oyster Pond $8603 $9504 $20702
Sky Blue 5 5.5 Yes Dawn Beach Estates $5992 $8000 $12,009
Tiare 5 5 Yes Red Pond Estates $755 p.n. $895 p.n. $1215 p.n.
The Stone House 5 5.5 Yes Dawn Beach $4480 $5250 $8400
Villa 3 5 5.5 Yes Dutch Lowlands $15,000 $25,000 $30,000


Six Bedroom Villas

Six bedrooms Bedrooms Bathrooms Pool Location Summer Winter Christmas & NY
Alizée 6 7 Yes Guana Bay $8435 $10395 $17535
Bougainvillea 6 6 Yes Dawn Beach $6545 $8470 $14,000
Dawn Beach 6 6 Yes Dawn Beach $4500 $5500 $9,000
Maison L'lle 6 6 Yes Dawn Beach $5005 $5810 $9,002
Ocean Pearl 1 1 Yes Dawn Beach $4290 $5229 $9,002
Paradiso 6 6 Yes Oyster Pond $9300 $10300 $20200


Seven Bedroom Villas

Seven bedrooms Bedrooms Bathrooms Pool Location Summer Winter Christmas & NY
Alizée 7 7 Yes Guana Bay $9100 $11060 $17535

Eight Bedroom Villas

Eight bedrooms Bedrooms Bathrooms Pool Location Summer Winter Christmas & NY
Vijoux 8 8 Yes Oyster Pond $9275 $11200 $19500
Dawn Beach

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